Get the personalized attention you need to charge forward with courage and direction!

Does this sound familiar? 

  • You feel like you’re working your hardest, but still “should” be “doing more”.  
  • You’re afraid to take the “wrong” direction.
  • You want to start something new, but aren’t sure what you’re good at or even what direction to head? 
  • You can easily recite all kinds of empowerment jargon (and maybe even scripture) but when it comes to moving forward, you still hold back. 
Other people make it look easy.  Other people seem like they have it all together.  Maybe you can even look back on a time where you did feel as though you had it all figured out, but now you feel uncertain and stuck.

Sometimes the hardest part of moving forward is taking the first step.  Maybe it’s because the ground underneath you seems uncertain–you are transitioning from one life to another–whether you are starting into a new job, or a new phase of life.  How do you translate who you were, and who you’ve been to this new territory?  

Whether you are a recent college graduate, or a mom who’s been home with her babies but now they’re starting into school, or your kids are transitioning from school to flying the coop, or maybe you are looking to transition to a new career…

Or perhaps you’ve just always hungered for MORE.  Sure, on the outside everything looks good–there’s nothing wrong, really, but you just know you have more in you, more to offer, more to do.  But what is it?

Hi, I’m Mary and the above scenarios are taken from hundreds of people I’ve worked with and talked to.
These feelings of uncertainty are all too common

In fact, we all at times, feel this way! Here’s what I’ve found to be true, though. There is a TON of great information and wonderful advice out there. Awesome books and Bible studies, elaborate programs and systems–many of which are wonderful. And some of which I use in my training, and coachings! However, if you are like me, I can sometimes get lost in these–and wind up feeling as though I’m floundering in ALL the options, trying to find the PERFECT path forward. And sometimes, after I choose something, I can feel as though I’m serving everyone else’s system and moving further away from my purpose as I attempt to shoehorn my life into their methodology. 

Or worse–buying the book, or the course or the organizing system and leaving it unopened and unused. 

1:1 coaching with Flight Deck will equip and empower you to build your own life itinerary!

When I work with individuals we follow a simple process:
1) Establish a starting position and get some good GPS coordinates.

2) Set some goals for what we want to accomplish together.

3) Identify and utilize the very best resources to gain knowledge and confidence to take the best steps forward. 

4) Work it out! I’ll walk this through with you for as long as needed or as long as it makes sense.

Sounds great! But how does it work exactly?

First, we will schedule a 15-minute discovery call via zoom.  When you sign up, you’ll be prompted to answer a few questions so we can maximize our time during this meeting.  Coaching is a serious investment of time for both of us, and we want to make sure we have established a good plan and gotten an idea of whether this will be a good fit.  

If we decide to move forward, we will plan 45-minute sessions via Zoom which will take place every other week.  During our time together, I will ask questions and provide feedback.  You will have homework which we will discuss.  

By the end of each session, you’ll have greater clarity, some new thoughts to chew on, and next steps for your specific situation, ideas, and dreams.

Is this the same as counseling?
No.  I am not trained or qualified to help with mental health issues so if you need help dealing with depression or anxiety, I recommend you find and work with a good counselor or therapist!  

My background is training and development, and as such, I will curate and work through appropriate resources to help you gain the knowledge and insight to move the needle more quickly–when it’s appropriate. Materials costs for outside resources will be in addition to the coaching fees listed below: 

$199 Per Session
Stop feeling stuck, and start making progress! We will identify your roadblocks and name your next steps so you can start taking action! 

  • 3 Video Sessions (45 minutes every other week) 
  • Email and Voxer access to Mary 
  • 6 weeks of focused growth 
* Materials fee for outside resources (MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory, etc.) will be in addition to the above fee

$179 Per Session
Gain further insight to propel faster forward movement! We will further focus on 1 or 2 key areas where you want to see progress and power forward with accountability and support! 

  • 6 Video Sessions (45 minutes every other week) 
  • Email and Voxer access to Mary 
  • 12 weeks of focused growth 
* Materials fee for outside resources (MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory, etc.) will be in addition to the above fee

$159 Per Session
Invest in yourself by committing the next ½ year to focused and intentional growth and forward movement!! Gain the knowledge, confidence and courage to see real progress! 

  • 12 Video Sessions (45 minutes every other week) 
  • Email and Voxer access to Mary 
  • 24 weeks of focused growth 
* Materials fee for outside resources (MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory, etc.) will be in addition to the above fee

Frequently Asked Questions
You mentioned “identify and utilize the very best resources to gain knowledge and confidence to take the best steps forward.” What do you mean by that?

There are some great tools out there! I am certified in MBTI which is a personality assessment that has SO MUCH value–it enables us to better understand our approach to work and people, how we communicate, where we get our energy, and what drains us! Sometimes that’s a good starting place. 

I’m also certified to administer the Strong Interest Inventory which is an incredible career exploration tool. This assessment often can help people identify direction for their work AND extracurricular pursuits in order to maximize their own fulfillment. 

Strengthsfinder is another tool I have worked with and love.

I love the above tools because they provide great shortcuts to self-awareness, and self-awareness is associated with:
I have brought in other resources and books specific to client needs when they will specifically help to foster growth and forward momentum. 

Knowledge brings confidence and confidence gives us courage to take positive steps!

What exactly is a "discovery call"?

Great question!  Coaching is a significant undertaking–requiring an investment of time, energy, and effort as well as money, and it is important that we determine Flight Deck will be a good fit for you before we get started!

Prior to your 15-minute discovery call, you will provide me with a bit of background information so we can maximize our time together.  You will receive some questions and prompts to help me understand areas you are interested in working on and any goals you have identified.  

During our call, we can get a feel for one another and decide if 1:1 coaching is a good fit for both parties.

I Iove the outline for Personality Deep Dive but am currently working through some career exploration and would like to be more specific?  Could I take that class as a coaching client 1:1?

YES!  The exciting thing about 1:1 coaching is the opportunity to personalize the experience.  MBTI has GREAT insight for career with specialized reports and other resources available.  Additionally, though, I often use MBTI in conjunction with the Strong Interest Inventory, which is a much more specific career assessment, and other great books and resources as well.  All of this can be tailored to your specific needs and questions.

Outcomes for prior clients have included "dream job descriptions", values and mission statements, prioritized lists of favorite skills, work environments, people, etc.