Hi there! I'm Mary,
I created Flight Deck Life School to help you find your calling, 
develop your God-given potential, and learn to apply faith that works, not just on Sunday, but every day – and in every area of your life.
I am convinced that God has a purpose for every person which is knowable and attainable with the right nurturing, attitudes, resources and effort. 

From the time I was young, I’ve always held the belief that we are made for a purpose, and that God has a plan for our lives.  

This posed a problem for me, though:

I also held a deep concern, a certainty, really, that I was too dense to figure out the plan, and even if I did, I had nothing of merit to give to it.  

My life-long quest has been to find my calling, develop my potential and learn to apply faith in a beneficial, real-life way. And as I’ve acquired knowledge and tools which helped me do so, I’ve shared and helped others move forward in the same way. 

And now, I am sharing and helping through Flight Deck Life School. I send regular e-mails which are intended to provide encouragement—they are a snapshot of what’s inspiring and motivating me! You can sign up to receive those here. I have a few products to help you get started—this “8 IDEAS”, and the BUILD weekly journal and mini-course.   Personality Deep Dive is a 5-week soon-coming course which will help you understand and maximize your unique, God-given personality traits.  You'll leave the class knowing better who you are in Christ...and just who you are!  And if you are interested in 1:1 coaching, I have limited availability for that as well. Learn more here

Here are a few more details about me:
I’m a wife to Brent, for 36 years and counting.
I’m a mom to 4 kiddos, ranging in age from 30 to 17, one daughter-in-love, and have a precious grandson. (I realize most are no longer kiddos—they are fantastic adults, but still a huge part of my life. Happily, I still get to “mom” them, just in different ways than when they were younger.)
Parenting things I know about firsthand: adoption, public school, private school, homeschool, applying to college, dyslexia.  Also, freaking out, obsessing, researching, praying (lots of praying!), so much talking, and ultimately relating.
I’ve also gained a ton of life experience during my pre-mom-professional-life, post-mom professional and side gigs, (so much) volunteer work, and through my own business providing coaching, consulting, and leadership development.
I am Myers-Briggs (MBTI) certified. (I’m an ENFP.)
I am MMTIC certified. (A Myers Briggs assessment designed for school-aged kids.  We aren’t talking about this right now, but there are some incredible materials and resources for educators and students.)
I love coaching, consulting and training using the certifications listed, as well as my own materials to improve communication, motivation and leadership perspectives, often from a faith foundation.
I am Strong Interest Inventory certified.
I love studying and teaching practical, actionable Bible truth.
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