In just 5 weeks, learn to maximize your unique personality strengths AND grow closer to God 

Launching early 2024!

Do you ever feel like you just can’t seem to get out of your own way?
Like you are always frustrated with yourself, your family members, friends, co-workers…everything!?

Like you never can quite get your own self together or truly connect with others or your work?

Sure, some areas (and relationships) are easy, but others are just plain challenging.

Hi, I’m Mary, and I want to help you figure you out, so you can bring your best self to your own life!
Don’t get me wrong – all the things I listed above as problems? I get them!  They accurately described me for the longest time.  I blamed myself mostly, and beat myself up for all that I thought I was doing wrong. I made lists and resolved to work on myself – to fix what was “defective” with me, and improve my weak areas.

My game-changer came when I stumbled upon strengths-based personality theory. Donald Clifton said, “What will happen when we think about what is right with people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?”  

I found Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator (MBTI) (which is steeped in a similar philosophy) and dove in–reading everything I could get my hands on!  I was so intrigued that for a while there it was the only thing I wanted to talk about.  As I learned more, I started sharing what I was discovering – about MBTI and about me as a result.

It resonated. Beating ourselves up for our faults and ignoring what’s natural and easy seemed to be not just a me-problem but more of a many-of-us problem.

I became certified in MBTI in 2017 and since then, I’ve administered it and provided feedback and training to over 300 people. It is my favorite starting place for consulting, coaching, training & development. I still learn something new every time.

This was everything I was hoping for. Doing this showed me that I have been on the right track all along and also showed me a more in depth analysis about myself and what makes me tick.  Mary is very friendly and very open which makes the whole process a lot easier.  This would be great for anyone who feels stuck, or doesn’t know quite where they are going, but just need a nudge in the right direction.  There is no doubt in my mind that the direction I’m going is the right one. 

- Andrew, college student, FDLS Coaching client, and future History teacher

Introducing Personality Deep Dive
An interactive, live, on-line class to help you know, like and appreciate your unique personality to live your most effective and fulfilling life.  

Wherever you go, there you are – so understanding yourself better will positively impact literally every aspect of your life.  I’ve worked with hundreds of clients who come back to me and tell me that although they did MBTI with me at work, it’s helped them so much at home, or vice-versa.

Personality Deep Dive is the course I’ve always wanted to offer.  Introducing people to MBTI is awesome, but taking 5 weeks to identify your unique personality type, then go deeper to learn next-level MBTI theory, and uncover how this information applies to every aspect of your life is an unparalleled opportunity you won’t want to miss!  

I totally would recommend this class to others so they can analyze themselves in a different way and see the areas where they can grow. I truly wish I could go through this exact thing with more info every month.

- FDLS Coaching client 

During Personality Deep Dive you'll learn:
What Makes You Tick (and Ticked Off)

Learn the MBTI Framework and Your Best-Fit Type, How Opposites repel / confuse / annoy you, plus How to Work with and communicate with them, and why you should!
Your Superpowers and Kryptonite

Learn your “Sweet Spot” – your unique ways of thinking and doing that will yield maximum results with minimal effort. Identify the opposite as well – the functions which will require more effort.  No need to be frustrated by this, but instead learn to take the steps to mitigate your own blind spots and areas of weakness!
Energy Management and Stress

Discover how your personality impacts your values and motivations. Identify the ways different personality types typically experience and manifest stress – so you can be more proactive in moving forward even during a stress response.

Apply this Superior Knowledge

Develop strategies and action plans to put all this life-changing information to good use in your personal and professional life and relationships!

What Does God have to say about me?

Incorporated in each lesson, apply scripture about personality, your unique make-up, relationship to God, yourself and others, work patterns, and more

What is DIFFERENT for you as a participant in Personality Deep Dive, then for those who’ve done MBTI with us previously is the opportunity to spend more time with the material – to dig deeper, learn MORE than can be shared in one or two quick sessions, and determine how to make this increased self-awareness work for you.
$695 $495
Personality Deep Dive
The value of these elements alone add to over $1,000, but for this first, introductory class, it will be offered to a limited number of participants for an introductory rate of $495!

  • Official MBTI personality assessment report from The Myers-Briggs Company (delivered as a pdf via email)
  • Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type, by Isabel Briggs Myers, (pdf book from The Myers Briggs Company
  • Five live, on-line 60-90 minute small-group classes with recordings of the teachings available for review.  Included classes:
    • Feedback from your MBTI official assessment to learn the MBTI Framework and to confirm your best-fit type
    • Classes to dig deeper into MBTI theory and practical applications in your own life
  • Worksheets and additional course materials to help you apply what you are learning to every aspect of your life! Private group area for questions and discussion throughout the duration of the class

Bonus 1: Course hand-outs and worksheets to accelerate learning, insight and application 

The MBTI Framework and Feedback are extremely valuable.  MBTI is used all over the world!  In our own practice, we find that it is often administered and yields great “aha!” moments in the session or two it is administered.  However, the real value comes from applying that self-awareness, day in and day out.  And that takes time, reflection, consideration, and action to make it most productive.  Plus–the initial sessions for MBTI feedback literally only scratch the surface.  This deep dive will enable us to maximize this introductory information so it best benefits YOU!

Bonus 2: Bible devotions and worksheets to feed your spirit and soul 

It’s clear I love MBTI, and it’s powerful in and of itself, but it is my view that it is still only part of the picture.  In order to truly understand yourself, it’s best to consult the One Who made you!  God is, after all, the One Who gave you your personality and He knows you inside and out, and loves you.  He deposited in you the raw materials for you to fulfill His plans and purposes, so as you are working to understand yourself better–your strengths and your limitations–we will be reminding ourselves of how we can apply Biblical truth and our own faith to how we view ourselves and the world we live in.

Bonus 3: Private group area for Q and A with instructor and classmates for duration of class (value: priceless!)

The classes will be awesome and all, but there will be homework and questions, comments, ideas will arise, and I want to know all of them, and I know we can all benefit from on-line conversations with each other throughout the class!  “I was with my co-worker who usually drives me crazy, but I approached her this time keeping in mind those communication guidelines and now we’re gonna be besties…”    Um…”besties” might not be realistic, but it is absolutely within reach to expect improved communication and understanding as you apply what you’re learning.  We can all learn from one another as we walk through this!

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Flight Deck Life School (FDLS) starting its course offerings with “Personality Deep Dive”?  

As I mentioned previously, I have been certified in MBTI for seven years, and did many years of self-study prior to my certification.  As such, I have a great deal of experience using MBTI with clients and frankly, feel that MBTI is an area where FDLS can offer game-changing information.

Our personality preferences affect literally every aspect of our lives–and can enhance or impede our self-image, our work, our relationships, and our leisure time.  I believe that if we can understand ourselves better, we can DO better and feel better about how we do while we are doing it.  (That last sentence went off the rails a bit, but hopefully you get the point.)

Why official MBTI?  Can’t I use the free versions from the internet?

First off–I feel you here.  As I mentioned above, I spent literally years reading all the books I could get my hands on, and taking the free on-line quizzes over and over.  But notice the phrase I just used–I spent ”literally years”.  It took me so much longer to figure out my best-fit type because it took a long time to truly understand the MBTI framework.  It isn’t hard or overly complicated, but in my experience, it takes some time and effort to understand the vocabulary and theory.  And once that’s understood, it requires reflection and insight to see how it applies to you.  

Official MBTI requires a relatively significant investment.  The materials cost to me as a practitioner is $50-150 and can go even higher depending on which reports and support materials we choose.  But–the Myers Briggs Company requires certification for all who administer this assessment because it is a psychological instrument that should be worked through with a certified practitioner.  Further, the Myers Briggs Company is constantly doing research to test the validity and reliability of this instrument.  The MBTI assessment has been around since the 1950’s so it’s had a long time to evaluate the theory on which it is based.

That said, there are some great resources, both free and low-cost available on the internet as well as some great books if you want to go the self-study route.  I am all for increased self-awareness at whatever entry point is comfortable to you.  

Okay–I see why you love official MBTI.  Why did you decide to offer this in a  course setting?

A five-week class provides enough time to let the information sink in and become practical and applicable. Many find answers to questions like:

•  Why do I click with some people while others tend to repel me?
•  Why does my behavior fall into certain patterns?
•  Can I make that work for me?
•  Can I avoid staying in a rut?
•  Can I work better with my *______?  *boss *partner *kids *
    co-workers *family members *my very own self!
•  What is my work style?
•  What careers are most popular for my personality type?
•  What are my likely values and motivators?
•  What are my personality super-powers?  My Kryptonite?
•  What do I do with and under stress?

Five weeks is not so long that the class becomes disruptive, but it is enough time for you to spend time digesting and applying the information.  There will be time set aside in each class for questions and discussion.

Additionally, a group setting offers a few advantages.  The first is cost.  One-to-one feedback and coaching is personal, pin-pointed, and specific, but the cost for many is prohibitive.  Working with a group lowers the cost per person.  

AND, doing MBTI in a group setting is fun!  In any given group, there will be people with different preferences and perspectives so the interaction and peer-learning that takes place enriches the entire experience!

How will course materials be delivered?

Course materials will be delivered to you via PDF download.  Your MBTI report which will be generated after you take the assessment and Introduction to Myers Briggs Type book will come from your instructor via the Myers Briggs Company.  Your worksheets, devotionals, and other course materials will come from Flight Deck Life School.

What if I’ve already been through this process and know my type? Will this class still be beneficial?

Yes! I learn something new or gain further insight every.single.time I deliver MBTI–whether that be introductory feedback or more advanced material.  I have participants all the time who have taken the MBTI assessment already who are going through the process again for work or as part of a group learning experience who say they learned so much more and they now “get it” in a way they hadn’t prior.  One definition of wisdom is being able to put knowledge and insight to use.  This course will dig deeper than most typical introductory feedback, and the worksheets and devotions will provide further understanding as well.  If you have questions, please reach out to

Why do you include faith elements in this course?  If I’m not a Christian, will this course be “too much” for me?

Great question!  I have thought about this one long and hard!  I find my Christianity and my study of scripture to be enormously valuable–the single most impactful influence in my life.  I also find the Bible to be extremely practical and helpful–it is an instruction manual for life and super empowering.  Faith is SO fundamental to who I am and the lens through which I approach all learning subjects that it makes no sense for me to leave it out of my courses.  I find the information to be so helpful and practical, in fact, that I think it will be approachable for anyone regardless of their personal faith or background.

Interestingly, though, I also believe that God has made great wisdom available from sources such as MBTI (and others, too!) that can help us have even greater understanding.  My lifelong quest for me and for you is that we can find our callings, develop our potential and learn to apply our faith in real life–for a better life!  MBTI is a well-researched, proven tool that can provide a shortcut to self-awareness and appreciation.  

FDLS’s goal is to bring all the best tools and resources for you to grow personally and professionally.